A Manufacture of kachasu, a traditional distilled liquor, in Lusaka, Zambia
kachasu, distilled liquor, lusaka, ethanol, methanol
This study provides a detailed overview of the manufacturing processes, of kachasu, a traditional distilled liquor produced in several African countries, including Zambia. Despite being illegal in Zambia, the manufacture and sale of kachasu continues, leading to concerns about its safety and alcohol content. Key findings of the study include: • Primary raw materials used in kachasu production are table sugar, maize malt, and water. • Seven distinct manufacturing methods were identified. • Different grades of kachasu (number 1, number 2, number 3) were identified, each with varying alcohol content. • Manufacturing of kachasu was noted to occur under unsanitary conditions. • The equipment used in the manufacture of kachasu is similar to that used in Zimbabwe. The study highlights the need for regulation and monitoring of kachasu production to ensure its safety and compliance with legal standards, including alcohol content limits. Keywords: kachasu, number 1, number 2, number 3, mixed, Ng’ombe, KalingalingaReferences
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2. Felšöciová, S., Kowalczewski, P. Ł., Krajčovič, T., Dráb, Š., & Kačániová, M. (2020). Quantitative and qualitative composition of bacterial communities of malting barley grain and malt during long-term storage. Agronomy, 10(9). https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091301
3. Gadaga, T. H., Nyanga, L. K., & Mzingwane, M. L. (1999). Traditional alcoholic beverages in Zimbabwe: their fermentation and quality aspects. Food Control, 10(4-5), 329-333.
4. Gould W, Professor E, (1994), CGMPs Food Plant Sanitation, 2nd edition, CTI Publications pages 1-279.
5. Ghasemzadeh I., Namaz S.H., (2015) Review of bacterial and viral zoonotic infections transmitted by dogs, Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 8, Special Issue 4, 2015, pp:1-5
6. Kim, D. H., Jeong, D., Song, K. Y., & Seo, K. H. (2018). Comparison of traditional and backslopping methods for kefir fermentation based on physicochemical and microbiological characteristics. LWT, 97, 503–507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2018.07.023
7. Lusaka Times. (2021). Chainama Hills Mental Hospital admits 70 mental patients, majority alcohol-induced. Retrieved from https://www.lusakatimes.com/2021/09/13/chainama-hills-mental-hospital-admits-70-mental-patients-majority-alcohol-induced/
8. Lyumugabe, F., & Songa, E. B. (2019). Improving the quality of banana beer by the use of selected yeast strains. The Journal of MacroTrend in Agriculture and Natural Resources, 7(3), 343-348.
9. Melikoglu, M., Singh, V., Leu, S. Y., Webb, C., & Lin, C. S. K. (2016). Biochemical production of bioalcohols. In Handbook of Biofuels Production: Processes and Technologies: Second Edition (pp. 237–258). Elsevier Inc. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100455-5.00009-6
10. Mkuu, R. S., Kessy, J. F., & Ng’ong’ola-Manani, T. A. (2019). Fermentation profile of traditional maize-based opaque beer brewed with lactic acid bacteria, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and non-Saccharomyces yeasts. Heliyon, 5(11), e02792.
11. Ndife J., Ugwuona F.,(2019) Optimization of Malting and Saccharification in the Production of Malt Beverage From Maize, Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333951132_OPTIMIZATION_OF_MALTING_AND_SACCHARIFICATION_IN_THE_PRODUCTION_OF_MALT_BEVERAGE_FROM_MAIZE
12. Nyanga, L. K., Nout, M. J., Gadaga, T. H., Theelen, B., Boekhout, T., Zwietering, M. H., & Van der Vossen, J. M. (2008a). Yeasts and lactic acid bacteria microbiota from masau (Ziziphus mauritiana) fruits and their fermented fruit pulp in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 126(1-2), 44-52.
13. Nyanga, L. K., Nout, M. J., Gadaga, T. H., Theelen, B., Boekhout, T., Zwietering, M. H., & Van der Vossen, J. M. (2008b). Yeasts and lactic acid bacteria microbiota from banana (Musa sp.) and maize (Zea mays) and their fermented products in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 122(1-2), 52-60.
14. Ohimain, E. I. (2016). Kaikai, Ogogoro and Apeteshi: a review of scientific evidence and literature on the social, economic, health and environmental consequences of illegal alcohol. Food Science and Nutrition Research, 2016.
15. Okienczuk R.,2023, Quest for More :: Lotoko, a Congolese moonshine Retrieved from https://www.questformore.com/lotoko-a-congolese-moonshine/ 01.06.2023 @17:58
16. Pepin C, Marzzacco C, (2015) The Fermentation of Sugars Using Yeast: A Discovery Experiment, Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275031809_The_Fermentation_of_Sugars_Using_Yeast_A_Discovery_Experiment
17. SI-18-of-2020_-Portable-Spirits. (n.d.). Zambia
18. Tamang P., Kailasapathy J, (2010), Fermented Foods and Beverages of the World, CRC Press, Pages 124 – 445.
19. Udota, J. N. (2007). Processing of maize malt. In: Handbook of Maize: Its Biology. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-36601-3_42
20. Zimmermann L., (2023), Studies assess composition and safety of chemicals in recycled HDPE, Retrieved from https://www.foodpackagingforum.org/news/studies-assess-composition-and-safety-of-chemicals-in-recycled-hdpe
How to Cite
Takayindisa S, Moonga H, Shindano J. A Manufacture of kachasu, a traditional distilled liquor, in Lusaka, Zambia. Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences [Internet]. 15Nov.2024 [cited 9Mar.2025];8(1). Available from: https://nscme.unza.zm/index.php/JABS/article/view/1196
Agriculture Sciences

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