• Innocent Mutale Mulenga ZANGO: Journal of Contemporary Issues


We once again welcome you to an intellectually rich parked thirty seventh (37th) volume of ZANGO – Zambia Journal of Contemporary Issues. As one Ghanaian saying reminds us that ‘A single bracelet does not jingle’ this edition of ZANGO contains exciting scholarly articles based on well researched topics drawn from studies done in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Zambia. The articles in the current volume have produced a well-mixed academic jingle that provides a soothing scholarly sound to thirsty minds of readers.
How to Cite
Mulenga, I. (2024). EDITORIAL COMMENT. ZANGO: Zambian Journal of Contemporary Issues, 37(2), vi-vii. Retrieved from https://nscme.unza.zm/index.php/ZJOCI/article/view/1148